Premiere: Lana Del Rey - Tropico

Lana Del Rey closes the Born To Die era with a huge bang. Her Anthony Mandler directed biblical short film Tropico contains three amazing tracks from The Paradise Edition; Body Electric, Gods and Monsters plus Bel Air, and stars Lana and Shaun Ross. The environments range from a utopian paradise filled with American icons, gritty and seedy shots from the streets of Los Angeles filled with strippers, violence and weapons to a serene and stunning countryside where all the hurt melts away. Sin and redemption, darkness and light. The last shot is really powerful and leaves us with questions and opens up for interpretations to say the least. Lana announced last night at the Los Angeles premiere that her second album will be called Ultra-Violence, so an album based on A Clockwork Orange could be around the corner. And carries on what she started off with her back alley blues paired with luxury. Watch below! Thoughts?