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Entries in Documentary (21)


David Bowie - Cracked Actor - A Sunday Documentary

We love David Bowie and music and personas have provided us with a flawless soundtrack for life and love throughout the years. We're hypnotized by this infamous 1974 documentary following David in Los Angeles during his Diamond Dogs tour. This was the year after the retirement of Ziggy Stardust and right after Alladin Sane and Pin Ups - right before his major American success with Young Americans. Wow! What an insane and productive period! The doc that remains to this day officially unreleased is famous for showing how frail his mental state was at the time as he was a heavy cocaine addict - which is evident we'd say in his apperance for sure. Alan Yentob who made this film is forever always remembered for his Bowie portrait - to this very day. It's an amazing time capsule - showing a legacy that influences artists heavily and will continue for decades if not centuries to come.

I was so blocked ... so stoned ... It's quite a casualty case, isn't it. I'm amazed I came out of that period, honest. When I see that now I cannot believe I survived it. I was so close to really throwing myself away physically, completely.  - David Bowie 1987


Michael Jackson's This Is It - Complete Film

We've been playing the HIStory album these last few days and cannot believe it's 3 years since the untimely passing of Michael Jackson. Not that any death is timely really, but it just seemed so unfair. He deserved to live and take the world by storm in those 50 London tour dates. A lot can be said about him so we won't. We're just happy that he got to do what he loved best - performing - those last months leading up to the end. He was a master at his craft, and this last chapter in his body of work really proves that he had so much more to give. Watch the complete film below, and call someone you love and tell them! RIP! 


Madonna - I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - A Sunday Documentary

Since Madonna is out on the road with her MDNA Tour and creating headlines for flashing her right nipple n' ass & religious sybolism we thought it'd be sweet to revisit I'm Going To Tell You A Secret. Shot during her Re-Invention World Tour in 2004 Jonas Åkerlund paints a picture of a woman mid-life who has realized many a thing since her Truth or Dare days. Haven't we all! Even the slower pace and lesser on the shock value tactics become it, haha. Perfect for a Sunday! The portraits of her family and colleagues are sweet too! Let's hope for a new doc comin' soon! Enjoy and let us know in the comments or Facebook us! 


Synth Britannia - A Sunday Documentary

If you like us love electronic music, documentaries and digging for the origins of various things today's Sunday documentary will float your boat for sure! In 90 min this BBC doc goes through our iTunes and gives wonderful insights to the birth of what nowadays is an absolute staple. How amazing to get one document that tracks the roots and timeline it all. Those early synthesizers and hardly any sequencers. Love it! All our heroes are here - Kraftwerk, The Human League, Gary Numan, New Order, Depeche Mode, Yazoo & The Pet Shop Boys! Wow. We could go on and on, so hit that play icon! Enjoy!


Johnny Cash - The Last Great American - A Sunday Documentary

It'd be impossible to like Americana and not have a relationship with the music and legacy of Johnny Cash. In this documentary filmed in 2004, the year after Johnny and his wife June Carter-Cash we get interviews with one of his daughters and his son plus friends and colleagues. We'd say if you like music of any kind you'll have a relationship to Johnny's amazing catalogue. For instance, we're not crazy about Christmas music in general, but we love his takes on classic xmas tunes. The same if you like rock, pop, punk, country or hip-hop, it's all there! Also, the fact that he was a huge country act who recorded an album with Native American songs and got banned from having it played on radio - and also when offered his own TV show he paid it forward by booking acts who had a hard time getting airtime. A certain Bob Dylan was a guest on the first episode. A lot can be said, so we suggest you hit that play icon below. Enjoy! We've been going at this documentary thing for a while now so click here for the rest of 'em! Comment or Facebook us!