The Times of Harvey Milk - A Sunday Documentary

Human rights work is something that can never stop or be taken for granted. We are all resposible for the well-being of our fellow humans and that the people around us are treated fair and equal. Be that in school, at work or just passing by on the street. Obviously the world is not an ideal place - hence why it's so important to stand up if we see any injustice. Around the world people are denied employment because of sexuality, skin colour and gender to name but a few examples. Regularly we hear about hate crimes and people being killed for being LGBT. Our native Sweden was the first country in the world to remove homosexuality as an illness in 1979 - and as of 2009 has a gender- neutral marriage law. When President Obama last month publicly started endorsing gay-marriage - we know it sends a powerful message around the world about human rights. And the foundation Obama stands on in this issue was built by the man on the poster above - Harvey Milk, the first openly gay to be elected into public office in America. This week's documentary is the Academy Award Winner for Best Documentary Feature in 1984 - 6 years after Harvey was assassinated. The film is a powerful message where we human rights defenders come from. If you haven't watched it we won't give too much away. But it blows our mind watching it thinking that it was made so close in time to the murder. The raw emotions in the interviews are incredibly powerful. Further reading about Dan White can be found here. As always we love to hear your thoughts, so comment or Facebook us! Below is the full documentary!