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David Bowie - Cracked Actor - A Sunday Documentary

We love David Bowie and music and personas have provided us with a flawless soundtrack for life and love throughout the years. We're hypnotized by this infamous 1974 documentary following David in Los Angeles during his Diamond Dogs tour. This was the year after the retirement of Ziggy Stardust and right after Alladin Sane and Pin Ups - right before his major American success with Young Americans. Wow! What an insane and productive period! The doc that remains to this day officially unreleased is famous for showing how frail his mental state was at the time as he was a heavy cocaine addict - which is evident we'd say in his apperance for sure. Alan Yentob who made this film is forever always remembered for his Bowie portrait - to this very day. It's an amazing time capsule - showing a legacy that influences artists heavily and will continue for decades if not centuries to come.

I was so blocked ... so stoned ... It's quite a casualty case, isn't it. I'm amazed I came out of that period, honest. When I see that now I cannot believe I survived it. I was so close to really throwing myself away physically, completely.  - David Bowie 1987

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