The idea of being arrested for speaking your mind and expressing your opinions is mind-boggling to us. Sadly we are acutely aware that this is the case in some parts of the world. Just imagine if this blog would be targeted as the enemy by a government - simply because we write about what we like. This is the case with Russian punk act Pussy Riot - who saw three members detained and tried as hooligans because they are against the sitting president Vladimir Putin + the Russian patriarchate, and expressed their views publicly. We're sure you have read about it! However, the verdict is in tomorrow and we urge you to take a stand to show that the world is watching. Peaches has put together a video and started a change.org petition that will show that we are united and free-thinkers who wants these women released. Plus we're thinking it's time to lift the issue of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience even further up on the agenda! #freepussyriot! Sign and spread here! Amnesty petition here! Can you spot the artists featured in the video? Freedom of expression is not hooliganism!
Update 2012-08-17: The three Pussy Rioters have been convicted of hooliganism. Read the updates here as they come along.
Free Pussy Riot! #freepussyriot from Peaches on Vimeo.