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Entries in Apps (5)


Full Documentary: When Björk Met Attenborough: The Nature of Music

Can we just say we could not stop smiling watching When Björk Met Attenborough last night. The warmth and kindness exuding is extraordinary to say the least. Also, it's a joy to see people wanting to communicate to people what they have discovered and at the same time also so curious to find out more. The Biophilia project is still on a world tour, the album and apps released almost two years ago now with the Android versions just released so perfect timing immersing in this documentary! Honestly we could go on and on... Tilda Swinton as the narrator is perfection guiding us via Australian nature scenes to choir rehersals on Iceland. The connection we all have to the universe, the tinest microbes on earth and music is just mind blowing and really puts things into perspective. The power of music and the impact on dementia, similarities to crystals and the mathematics of it all. We are all part of this magical world and Björk's way of showing us we can't thank her enough for. Enjoy the full documentary below; it's one of the best hours you'll spend all year we dare say.   


Björk - Interview + Cosmogony @ The Colbert Report

Björk is busy setting up her Biophilia residency in New York, and we so look forward to the goodness that will bring. She stopped by and chatted with Stephen Colbert yesterday and performed her wonderful ode to cosmos - Cosmogony. No secret we looove Björk - but this made us love her even a bit more. The interview showed her playful and fun side + the performance was flawless and that dress she had on stage is just her persona wrapped up in an outfit. Lovely! Quote of the day: Can I lick the apps? And also, how funny is that comment about creating a double album with a mouse, hahaha. 


Björk - Violently Appy - Dazed & Confused Interview!

Björk is as we've mentioned before the guest editor for the current issue of Dazed & Confused. She opened up her Biophilia project and more for D&C's real editor Rod Stanley over mint tea in her Brooklyn apartment and we love it. We have such a great feeling for her upcoming full length app album experience already and this just adds to it. We love her approach to the future and how we will reunite with nature in order save us all. Also how she's engaged in politics in her native Island with her friends. Not to mention her old music academy from her youth. What genius using Violently Appy as the headline. Click here for the digital version. It's a great read! 


Björk - Crystalline - App Preview!

As you know Björk's upcoming album Biophilia will be the world's first app album - one app for each track no less. We love that Björk has commissioned app's from rival companies all in the pursuit of the best app for each track. And behold - here is the one for lead single Crystalline! We can't see it from this preview but once purchased you'll be able to alter the music to create your own Crystalline world in a game in which you collect crystals in a tunnel, through which process you alter and customise the music. The app also includes an abstract version of the musical score; and an essay that explains how the structures of crystals relate to the musical structure of the song. Sounds very exciting and love how this pushed the boundaries further to what an album can be. 

...just found the Cosmogony (Mother app)! Beautiful! 


V and V Man Free iPad App

Oh, in case you need some hotness from V and V Man without the hassle of dragging the papers copies around - download the free iPad app on iTunes and get (preferably) naked for a great read!