Carolyn Murphy for Vogue Italia September 2012 by Steven Meisel

We absolutely adore Vogue Italia's creative license when it comes to their all important September issue. Remember last year's stunning Ethel Granger editorial with Stella Tennant? When we saw this year's editorial cover Face The Future we almost spit our coffee out! It's an ode to Julie Masking and the whole masking community! We're terrified and intrigued at the same time! Goregous Carolyn Murphy is superb in these shots by Steven Meisel. WOW! Holy fuck! It's so good and elegant & we love the juxtaposition of luxury country life with the undertone the masks bring to the table. Watch the amazing fashion film below + JULIE at her best. For more masking click here if ya dare! Anna Wintour put Lady GaGa on her September issue as we all know, last year was Kate Moss. Pretty safe names to say the least. That's why we love Italian editor-in-chief Franca Sozzani so much! Bella! Update: And now Channel 4 has a whole masking documentary.