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Entries in Sinéad O'Connor (8)


Video Premiere: Sinéad O'Connor - 8 Good Reasons

We love Sinéad O'Connor and 8 Good Reasons is one of our favourite tracks from her I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss era. The depth and raw frankness is palpable. Beautiful and devestating all in one go. Also, how amazing to see her dressed in clerical clothing since she was ordained in 1999. We love the idea with the bus filled with people from all walks of life sharing a space, moving forward together and having the amazing Irish scenery right outside. It's so hard to stare your own pain straight in the eyes, but if you do, the truth will set you free. We sure hope Sinéad sees more than nine reasons to stick around - we're sure a whole bunch in her corner. Also, we had a feelin' the bus is heading straight to a church with a congregation filled to the brim with unconditional love.  


Free Download: Sinéad O'Connor - Mandinka (Justin Strauss' 1988 Extended Mix)

Sinéad O'Connor released Mandinka in December 1987 as the second single from her debut album The Lion and the Cobra and things really kicked off for her. The song served as her first US network television live performance (on David Letterman) and in 1989 she performed it at the Grammy Awards. As part of her big push in the US now legendary New York DJ Justin Strauss remixed it for the club 12". In true amazing 80's fashion he extended it, keeping the original work's integrity, and added some (now) classic 80's sounds and a lil' piano. The mix down sounds different as well. Sinéad's voice is deeper in the mix and the sounds is a bit more club. Amazing time document to have on a Saturday, this would've been done on a reel-to-reel, pressed on vinyl and imagine people later going crazy over it in a club basement later having beers and dancing like crazy. Niiiiice. Enjoy + download below!    


Video Premiere: Sinéad O'Connor - Take Me To Church

Sinéad O'Connor is clearly not messing around with her new era - we love it! Take Me To Church is the first single to be lifted from her I'm Not Bossy, I'm The Boss album and the video is like being strapped onto an O'Connor rocket aiming at the moon. How genius to start off with Sinéad singing about denouncing her love songs and use the video for Nothing Compares 2 U. It's a full circle moment and a powerful one! The rest of the footage is a defiant and visceral journey and she's clearly not, as always, taking any $h!t from anyone! Love it! 'ave a look below! Thoughts? The new album is out August 11th and we officially cannot w.a.i.t. Click here for our single review. 


Premiere: Sinéad O'Connor - Take Me To Church

We're super excited for Sinéad O'Connor's upcoming 10th album I'm Not Bossy, I'm The Boss, out on August 12th. Lead off single Take Me To Church is a stomper in which we get a stark and raw look into a defiant mind. Listen here, we'll come back with comments after a few listens! First thought is we love it! Update: We've added the Soundcloud stream, awesome. The sheer power of that intro and what it entails if you listen to her back catalogue combined with a very raw voice that beckons you to sing along. It's almost too much if you listen to the lyrics. So stunning and heartbreaking all at once. The level on enlightenment in Sinéad's life seems to be at an all time high and her light is shining bright, and we love it! Bring it on! We'll take you to church any day and sit right next to you! Also, if you head over to the iTunes pre-order you can preview an additional four track that sound stunning!  



Free Download: Sinéad O'Connor VS. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Compares To Wrecking Ball

Obviously everything sounds better with some Sinéad O'Connor and Prince behind it! Even Miley Cyrus and her Wrecking Ball is tolerable to our ears now, haha. We completely agree with Sinéad on the whole sexualization and pimping out artists for $$$ and not caring about the art or person behind it and how tiresome that is. The biggest evident is the video to this mash-up. Strip back the heavy duty side of the WB video and you're left with an amazing singer and a very tender and heartfelt song that shines. That's all you need for sure! Nothing Compares To Wrecking Ball sounds heavenly and really complement each other. We actually thought a reason Sinéad got so angry with all the open letters etc. was that she saw a grain of herself in the rebellious way Miley presents herself. Granted it's a very different way, but still some similarities are there. Plus, since this mash-up is so amazing, they really should work together and blow everyone out of the water. In this version we can't get over how insanely good these lyrics sound. 

I never meant to start a war
I just wanted you to let me in