Mashup: Tegan and Sara VS. Mariah Carey - We Belong Closer Together

Mariah Carey's lament over a lost great love, We Belong Together, meets Tegan and Sara's electro pop party anthem Closer and magic happens! Actually, Mimi would catch that break she sings about if the red hot twin duo had caught her ears on the radio back in 2005! The seamless mix of the songs drives us wild and we just wanna d.a.n.c.e even though we know the actual music is a bit somber. Mimi's next music project would benefit loads from an injection of fresh and a bit unexpected collaboration like this for real. Just imagine the awesomeness we'd get with a trio like Tegan and Sara and Mariah! Maybe even a brand new Mimi trademarked monster #1 spending 14 weeks at the US top and becoming the song of decade? So sweet! Their voices blend together beautifully and offers a glimmer of hope in all the despair. So amazing and perfect. Enjoy!