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Entries in Magazines (58)


Baptiste Giabiconi for Glamoholic Magazine

Baptiste Giabiconi has spoken out to Glamoholic magazine for his upcoming debut album that according to him will see the light of day in the next six weeks. Do we dare read the reviews we wonder? He also states that being considered the #1 model in the world means nothing and that he's not prioritizing love. Awww chucks! In case you missed or wanna re-visit what Baptiste music sounds (and looks) like we included his video to Showtime below. 


Liza Minnelli by Terry Richardson for Love Magazine

Weeeerk! This is how we like to see living legends pose! For her massive Love magazine #6 interview Liza Minnelli got shot by pervy perv Terry Richardson. The result - a fabulous spread that oozes so much 'tude we're hearing lots of stars cry their eyes out at various agent offices at this very moment in time. Bow down!   


Björk - Violently Appy - Dazed & Confused Interview!

Björk is as we've mentioned before the guest editor for the current issue of Dazed & Confused. She opened up her Biophilia project and more for D&C's real editor Rod Stanley over mint tea in her Brooklyn apartment and we love it. We have such a great feeling for her upcoming full length app album experience already and this just adds to it. We love her approach to the future and how we will reunite with nature in order save us all. Also how she's engaged in politics in her native Island with her friends. Not to mention her old music academy from her youth. What genius using Violently Appy as the headline. Click here for the digital version. It's a great read! 


Clark Cord & Matthew Terry by Steven Klein for VMAN 23

Congrats to Clark Cord and Matthew Terry, this years co-winners of VMAN's and Ford Models new faces search! Shot by Steven Klein and styled by Nicola Formichetti (in Mugler naturally) for the cover the start could not be any sweeter for these 2. Full spread in the upcoming Fall 2011 issue!


Björk - Dazed & Confused Guest Editor 

For their 200th issue Dazed & Confused have asked Björk to show us the future as the guest editor for the whole issue and cover star. We likey! So far the Biophilia marketing campaign does not dissapoint. Lovin' the hair too! Photograph by Sam Falls and styled by Katy England the issue hits the stands this week on Thursday the 7th. 

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