Who Run This Mutha?! - New Mixtape - Free Download!

WTH and WTF! We are appalled at the fact that Beyoncé is the first woman in 20 years to headline Glastonbury. We had a look online and in 1989 Suzanne Vega did and in 1990 Sinéad O'Connor did. In 1999 Skunk Anansie headlined fronted by Skin, so that counts to some extent. But no solo act since frickin' 1990! We remember Kylie was supposed to in 2005, but had to cancel due to breast cancer. This feels insane! We can think of numerous women since the 80's who should've had the chance. A friend of ours is a singer/songwriter and she told us just a few months ago that a festival promoter actually turned her down due to the fact that she is well, a woman. NUTS! Below is a mixtape filled with much talented women that we pulled out of the vault from 2009 and touched up a bit. Download, listen and remember that everyone needs to be treated equally! We do realize that the people reading this knows this already, but sadly this cannot be stressed enough it seems.