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Entries in Nabil (2)


Video Premiere: ANOHNI - Drone Bomb Me

New ANOHNI and it's an a m a z i n g track! Drone Bomb Me is more electronic than the work with Antony and The Johnsons, and ain't nothing wrong with that. We're getting elated hearing this gorgeous & familiar soaring voice, but the darkness lurking is oh so close. A black diamond filled with secrets. The video directed by Nabil and starring Naomi Campbell with art direction by Riccardo Tisci for Givenchy is terrific too. However, it's so stylish it almost takes away from the sensation of the stellar track. However, it's an absolute treat nonetheless. Watch below via Apple Music's exclusive! Thoughts? Album HOPELESSNESS is out on May 6th! 


Frank Ocean - Pyramids Video Premiere + Live @ SNL

Wow, huge weekend for Frank Ocean lovers! Not only did we get the Pyramids video last night but we got two incredible performances at Saturday Night Live! Starting with the video we were like holy crap what is this, haha. Like being inside some drunken trippy dream. Just when it looked like it was veering into some standard dirty video we get this really nightmarish twist in the club. Plus he's got dat amazing smile! Wow. John Mayer turns up for a solo too! Frank's performance at SNL was so incredible. It was all about Thinkin Bout You! He make being perfect look so effortless, haha. It could not have been better for reals. The emotions, vocal pitch, look. Perfection. Channel Orange is one of the best albums of the year and we cannot wait for more material like this. Enjoy!