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We organized a music talk with the amazing Little Boots at Moderna Museet Malmö in Sweden on March 21 2016! Click here for all info! 


Name checked in Chloe Sevigny - March  

Mixtape Library!




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Rex The Dog - Mixtape #1 Here We Go Scando - Free Download

Happy hump day! Check out this rad mixtape from Rex The Dog, with music and remixes from Sweden bar the remix from Röyksopp of The Irrepressibles. Don't miss to download it! Enjoy!

This is our first mixtape and it is designed for a certain mood and (maybe) for headphones.
Most of this music is from Sweden, or has been remixed by someone from Sweden.
The last track is remixed by Royksopp so it is a little bit Norwegian too. It’s a Scandinavian mixtape...
Anyway, the songs are all 100% awesome but we messed around with them to make them 101% awesome.
See if you can tell...


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