Stream: Adele - Hello (The Phoenician Remix)
Adele's Hello to the world and her 25 album era is breaking records like no other and she is everywhere and will be so for the next few years. Luckily for us all at the core of it all there is solid music and a fun approach to it all. Swiss producer The Phoenician has taken the grief of missing an ex in vain and gone *tropical*. Don't mind if we do! Ain't nothing wrong with holding a big umbrella drink in one hand and then crying into your flip phone with the other. The added oomph this bootleg brings is really great, too. It shows how grief and sorrow needs a break sometimes - without disrespecting your own feelings. And the added production is really cool. It's groovy and makes you wanna d.a.n.c.e. 'til your heart feels OK again. ENJOY!
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