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We organized a music talk with the amazing Little Boots at Moderna Museet Malmö in Sweden on March 21 2016! Click here for all info! 


Name checked in Chloe Sevigny - March  

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Premiere: The Ting Tings - Wrong Club 

The 70's called and is very happy we're all doing d.i.s.c.o dancin' to groovy beats during all our spare time and some. The Ting Tings are back with Wrong Club and it's a stompin' disco tune complete with a Nile Rodgers guitar lick style and sweeping strings to go along. Hell yeah! The single artwork even has that old school much touched vinyl sleeve found in crates in record stores world wide. Katie White even looks like a dance diva in the press shot - and Jules De Martino is... asleep? Anyway, this is a mega tune and will be released on July 28th! Very groovy baby! 

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