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We organized a music talk with the amazing Little Boots at Moderna Museet Malmö in Sweden on March 21 2016! Click here for all info! 


Name checked in Chloe Sevigny - March  

Mixtape Library!




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Free Download: Lary - System (Bastian Spangenberg Remix)

Say hello to Berlin based über cool Lary and that sicknin' System of hers! We've been watching the video like in a trance and cursing ourselves that we never studied German. Like WTH! When that remix kicked in right near the end we just KNEW right of the bat we'd have this on repeat all week. We're crazy about the deep house feel and that it plays like an old school dub. Plus how it seamlessly blends in elements of the original production and is almost 10 minutes long. So damn infectious and good. Genau! Thank you Raphael!

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