Paws Up Forever Jamey Rodemeyer

Today is the funeral for Jamey Rodemeyer, the 14 year old Buffalo, NY guy that so tragically committed suicide after being bullied for years for being gay. He was bisexual. His mother told the news a few days ago that Jamey, who was a Lady GaGa fan, will be laid to rest wearing his Born This Way T-shirt, so incredibly sad. Words cannot describe how sad we are, crying in fact, that someone would see no other option to escape than death. It's heart- wrenching. Now monsters are gathering to put an end to the madness of bullying. This cannot go on any longer. Below is the video to the Paws Up Forever Project - based on Jamey's last words on Twitter. It's a difficult watch, but a necessary one. Everyone is entitled to respect and love - and we as fellow human beings have to help each other out if we see anyone who's down and needs a hand. We're on board and if anyone reading needs a chat or Skype we're literally an email or tweet away: or @houseofgangster. It's too late for Jamey, but we are here! Paws Up Forever Jamey! #makealawforjamey
Update 25th of September; Lady GaGa dedicated her performance of Hair to Jamey at last night's iheartradio festival, 24th of September. We've had enough for sure.