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We organized a music talk with the amazing Little Boots at Moderna Museet Malmö in Sweden on March 21 2016! Click here for all info! 


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Susan Boyle goes electro

We ♥ Susan Boyle. Simple as that. And we ♥ electro. So what better to combine the two? Sadly there are no Felix Da Housecat remixes of SuBo yet. But check out this bootleg of Susan's Wild Horses. We like her voice over an electro beat. SuBoooo!

References (3)

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  • Response
    Susan Boyle goes electro - - We ♡ Music
  • Response
    Response: Rank Recon
    Susan Boyle goes electro - gangstersaysrelax - We <3 Music
  • Response
    Susan Boyle goes electro - gangstersaysrelax - We <3 Music

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