Rebecca Ferguson - Glitter & Gold - Video Premiere

Rebecca Ferguson is one class act, and we have listened loads to her debut album Heaven to say the least. One of the stand out tracks from it is Glitter & Gold - so we're pleased to see it's her new single! The video had us in chills, such an effective way of creating imagery to fit the songs meaning. The sentiment reminds us of Billie Holiday's God Bless The Child - which feels incredible as we love it. Have a look belooow!
Glitter and gold
Won’t keep you warm
On those lonely nights
And all those friends that were such a chore
You’re gonna need them more than ever before
All that glitter and all that gold
Won’t buy you happy
When you’ve been bought and sold
Riding white horses, you can’t control
With all your glitter
And all of your gold
Take care of your soul