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We organized a music talk with the amazing Little Boots at Moderna Museet Malmö in Sweden on March 21 2016! Click here for all info! 


Name checked in Chloe Sevigny - March  

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Ayah Marar - Mind Controller - New Video + II Figures Remix

Today we're all about the badass Queen of UK Bass Ayah Marar and her solo debut single Mind Controller. Relocated from Jordan to London she's been working with people like Calvin Harris and Toddla T + founding her own Hussle Girl Records. Hell yeah! We love this video with it's simplicity - Ayah on a BMX bike around a hood in Los Angeles, and dancing in the desert outside. Fire! She calls her style Epic Doom Pop and it's clear to why. Have a look + listen belooow! The single is out April 15th!


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