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We organized a music talk with the amazing Little Boots at Moderna Museet Malmö in Sweden on March 21 2016! Click here for all info! 


Name checked in Chloe Sevigny - March  

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Sugababes - Freedom 

We've always had a thing for Sugababes since their first single Overload 10 years ago. With their ever changing line-up it's at least no worries getting tired of a group member. With currently being on Sugababes 4.0 we've had Freedom on the backburner for a few months now and not really paid that much attention to it. It's ridic that they didn't change their band name, although we understand as to why they wouldn't with the massive budget and value attached to it. Also, the new press images look like overly airbrushed lad's mags images and we didn't want to use any of 'em. Anyhoo, tonight we had a breakthrough getting past the BS and actually listen to the song. It's not gonna rewrite any rules, with it's dub step breakdown á la Hold It Against Me, but it totally works as a pop song. It's very 2011 and we like it! Do you? The single is out September 25th so we'll se in a few weeks if anyone actually will buy it. What do you think?

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