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We organized a music talk with the amazing Little Boots at Moderna Museet Malmö in Sweden on March 21 2016! Click here for all info! 


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Stop Domestic Violence 

Keira Knightley and Women's Aid come together in this film to put an end to domestic violence. It's a powerful message and just the very thought that several women a day are killed by their partners in their own home makes us want to throw up. Take 2 minutes and watch the short film above.

Reader Comments (2)

I'm sooo bad. All I can think of is how pretty she looks with that dark hair...
April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMagica
The best way to change society is to change yourself. You should look within yourself to grow and for that you need to realize who you are, for what things you approve of within yourself and what needs “reappraisal” leading towards Growth. If you grow from within, if you know yourself from inside then you know your strength and weakness.

“For every malady, under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none
If there is one, Go and find it
If there is none, never mind it”

So if you feel that you have a remedy to your problems start acknowledging or “confessing” your problems. If you know that it cannot change, even then acknowledge it. If you know you can grow out of it, seek help. We are here for a social cause, to help you out acknowledging your problems and helping you grow to blossom like a flower in future. We are here to provide help.

Please help us in our Endeavour
April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCOMEandCONFESS
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