Skin Deep

Growing old gracefully is tricky business.
I guess nowadays when 30 could be considered the new 20 in some aspects it's even harder. Say 50 years ago you could easily be married and have kids when you were 20. Now people in their thirties spend their evenings on first dates and asking friends if they think he or she will call back. "Do you think he likes me?"
It's like a prolonged stage of being a teenager.
And then it's important to look young as well. A teenager with wrinkles simply won't do! Nowhere is it as clear as in the face of Nicole Kidman.
This eternal beauty with a creamy smooth face carved in stone.
Even though she's pushing 40 she still looks like she did in her twenties if not even better. (Just don't look at her hands ya'll.)
I simply LOVE the ad she made for Chanel No.5 a couple of years back.
She looks like a hot sexy mama but her face doesn't move one bit!
Think Bree from Desperate Housewives in a funkier outfit.
Think Mme Tussaud's waxworks with moving limbs and an assistant.
Personally I think it's cool to see people who have some kind of personality going on in their faces. Just imagine dating a Nicole Kidman and not having a clue if she's happy or sad until you ask her. You stroll down the street and thinking that she loves you when what she really wants to do is break up and move on. And you can honestly say that you didn't see it coming.
Or having sex with someone who's heavily botoxed and pulled tight. You think he/she is 25 but then look at the hands stroking your chest and you're like WTF??!! And no sign of emotion or climax on their faces. Some scary shit.
Watch the clip ya'll and holla back!
Reader Comments (3)
Talk all you want about the horrible botox now. But in twenty years we will also be sitting in those chairs with the needles in our faces. Unless they have developed something new, in that case we will be using that.
I'm thinking 5! :OP