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I love VickyWatch!
This blog is so great that I wish I had thought of it first. But now, now we can all read it and enjoy it without having the hassle to read The Sun.
Basically Victoria Newton is the celebrity reporter for The Sun, UK biggest newspaper. When I read her stories (yes they are stories not articles) I am usually amazed that she can get away with just making up things if it's a slow news day or just write complete nonsense that even a dog easily could see are lies and crap. The weird part of this is that she has kept her job for several years and this year she was voted "Showbiz Reporter of the Year" after winning the award earlier this year at the British Press Awards. And she's on £150.000 a year! All for just writing nonsense and lies 5 days a week. Example:

"ROBBIE WILLIAMS’ ex-songwriter GUY CHAMBERS is creating a West End musical. It will be interesting to see if Robbie appears — though he and Guy haven’t spoken since falling out in 2003."

Robbie Williams, speaking at a press conference in Germany in 2005: "Me and Guy are friends again. We speak now and will be working together in the future, you'll all be pleased to hear."

Guy Chambers, speaking in a Guardian interview in May 2005: "Anyway, he continues, "we're talking again now".

I'm so pleased that this blog was set up.
Read, read, read!

Reader Comments (2)

Thanks for the nice comments!

Darwin x
December 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDarwin
Oh Darwin my love. You are welcome! It's so nice to see cynicism at it's best.

January 3, 2007 | Registered CommenterGANGSTER
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